Subsea Enviro Compliance – UK
This course is designed to teach the environmental requirements directly related to subsea operations within the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS). The course collates the important information from thousands of pages of Directives, Acts of Parliament, Regulations and Guidance Notes and summarises these into an easy interactive elearning course.
Course Content
Module 1 – The Law
- EU Directives, UK Acts of Parliament, Regulations and Guidance Notes.
- Key environmental Directives, Acts and Regulations applicable to subsea operations
- The links between EU Directives and UK Regulations
- Accessing up to date environmental legislation
Module 2 – The Regulator
- The Regulator and other key environmental bodies in the UK
- The Regulatory framework.
- Legal Implications, Enforcement and Prosecution
- Project Implications and Responsibilities
Module 3 – Spills to Sea
- Spills to sea regulations
- Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (OPEP)
- Reporting of Spills
- Petroleum Operations Notice 1 (PON1)
- DECC Energy Portal
- Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code (BAOAC)
- Calculating a spill size
Module 4 – Discharges to Sea
- Hydrocarbon Discharges to Sea
- Oil Discharge Permits
- OPPC Regulatory Permit Non-Compliance Notification
- Chemical Use and Discharge
- Chemical Permits
- Emergency Chemical Permit Variations
- Portal Environmental Tracking System (‘PETS)
- Environmental Emissions Monitoring System (EEMS) database
- Reporting requirements
Module 5 – Pipelines and Deposits on the Seabed
- Pipeline Works Authorisation (PWA)
- Pipeline Operation Permit
- Deposit Consents (Depcon)
- Marine License
- PON2
Module 6 – Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Conservation of Habitat and Species
- Radioactive Substances and Waste
- Decommissioning activities
Target Participants
It is recommended that all those involved in subsea operations in the United Kingdom (UKCS) complete this course to have a working understanding of the applicable laws that they are required to comply with.
Participants may include but are not limited to the following:
- Client Representatives
- Offshore Managers
- Divers/Supervisors/Superintendents
- ROV Pilot/Techs and Supervisors
- Field Engineers
- Project Engineers
- Environmental Advisors
- Offshore Representatives
- Project Managers
- Operations Managers
- Vessel Managers
There are no prerequisites for this course
Assessment is by a variety of interactive and multiple choice tests which are completed as participant’s progress through the online chapters of each course. A multiple choice exam at the end of the course with a pass mark of 80% required.
Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be issued with a certificate from UEL that is valid for 3 years. New Regulation updates and industry changes will be incorporated into future versions of this course.
All certificates issued by UEL can be verified by searching the online database by entering the certificate number at